Q & A

Q. How critically important is it to mitigate Solar EMFs?

A. All ecosystems are affected; the liability is catastrophic. Building and civil engineers are insured 
     for errors or 
omissions. This could not be seen before. This is an unprecedented environmental 

     Water temperature is important because everything has limits, especially fish. Sources of heat 
     impacting the watershed have been located from the air. Solar radiation had generated heat 
     islands as high as 60 Deg. C on a 32 Deg. C day where vegetation had been removed. 
     See http://www.solaremfs.com/urban-heat-generation.php


Q. Where is a thermographic image that proves that Air Conditioning is not cooling an exterior wall?

A.  See the air conditioning sitting on floor (black) in the upper right image, in the letter to Ron Cannan,
     MP, September 9, 2010, Page 6. The heat is coming through the walls because they aren't designed
     for it.

Q. How many hours were invested in qualifying this information prior to reporting it to the authorities in 2007?

A. 17,000 hours. Buildings are grossly exceeding the design temperatures provided by Environment Canada. The reason it isn't addressed is because architects and education use calculators for temperature considerations. Every university and tech institute uses the same calculator with the entire national to municipal building industry signed off as compliant. Building performance is never verified.

See: Response to Canada's Throne Speech on Environment, October 17, 2007

Q. What are low e finishes?

A. Low e refers to emissivity, the ability of a surface to emit radiant energy. 

Q. Can paint companies can use this information to create work? 

A. Yes.

Q. How do we protect our buildings correctly with trees?

A. Landscaping companies can use this for more work; we need functional landscaping or any 
     exposed surface of the planet will be radiated.

Q. Can construction companies can use this for getting more work?

A.  Yes. Also Engineers; yes to others, so long as they get the job done. 

Q. What Canadian federal law pertains to this application of the Building Code?

A. Federal Sustainable Development Act, S.C. 2008, c. 33 

Q. Where is there an example country with buildings that do not have Air Conditioning?

A. Search for images with: Greece white washed buildings”. [Click image below to enlarge.]

Q. How do Solar EMFs impact pipelines?

A. See "Electrical Frequency Problem in Lumber Mill". 

Q. Are there any families exempt from this responsibility?

A. No.

Q. What is so awesome about this strategy, in addition to removing the electrical load of Air Conditioning from the grid and all the resulting life-saving benefits? 

A. The Creator has provided an answer without having to knock the foliage off the trees.

Politicians could reduce emissions
without spending massive money
on carbon capture. 

They could achieve Kyoto with no difficulty
and take it to the world while putting us to work
with millions of jobs.

Web site Developed by Dianne Knight.

Educational and Informational Purposes: All information on this site and all links that are linked to from SolarEMFs.com represent solely the opinions of their producers. 

This information and links to more information are made available to you as a resource for your own research and evaluation not as an endorsement. 

SolarEMFs.com is not in the business of persuading you or anyone else to believe anything that that is presented linked to from this site; however, it does encourage you to use all available resources to form your own judgement about very important things that affect your life.
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